This process is used to apply for approval of the sale and purchase of non prohibited arms items on the Internet. This is a simple and relatively quick process so don't be deterred!
Items on our website that require this form to be completed by you, and approved by Police, are clearly
marked in each products' description.
You must have a current Firearms Licence to take possession of any non-prohibited firearm, non-prohibited magazine, non-prohibited part, or ammunition.
This process can be undertaken either before you purchase the product from our website (contact us, we'll send you a form), or after by using the system below.
If you are unsure whether you are likely to receive approval, we recommend you
apply for approval to NZ Police prior to ordering.

1. Order the items you'd like on our website
(If you are collecting your order from our store then no need to do anything else)
2. We will send you the Police Mail Order Form
(We will fill out the parts you need from us)
3. Deliver it to your local Police Station
(Don't forget to take your Firearms Licence with you)
4. The Police will notify us once approved
(They'll scan and send us a copy)
5. We will then send your product/s to you
(We'll email you with confirmation and courier tracking details)
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